MEET YOUR finalists
Jessica Brooks
Rubicon Technical
Let me introduce myself, I'm Jess, Operations Assistant at Rubicon Technical. Currently, I'm also diving into the world of Customer Service with HBTC, and boy, what a journey it's been since I joined Rubicon in July 2023, just a few weeks after leaving secondary school.
One of my favourite rituals? Getting into the office early to brew the coffee pot for my colleagues, I enjoy making their days that little bit easier, I give my all, both at college and at work, and representing Rubicon at events like the London NOPE exhibition has been an absolute honour.
Secondary school wasn't my forte the apprenticeship route was the best decision yet, engaging with customers daily and fostering a vibrant work environment alongside my amazing colleagues truly lights the path of the fantastic journey I have only just began.
Tommy Pendergast kwl
I’m a dedicated third-year plumbing and gas engineering apprentice at KWL. My journey from Kelvin Hall School to becoming a plumbing apprentice has been a challenge but one that I am thoroughly enjoying, and I am pleased to have chosen KWL for an apprenticeship in plumbing and gas as my career choice when leaving school. when I found out I have been recognized for my efforts at work and college and shortlisted for an award at PIB awards I was delighted I have been recognized by my peers and grateful for the opportunity.
I feel there is a promising future at KWL due to the growth and development opportunities the organization offers, and has so far provided an excellent opportunity where I have gained confidence in my own ability and feel I have grown as an individual and learnt how to become more independent in all aspects of life.
Erin Symons
Erin Symons, 17, started her two-year carpentry and joinery apprenticeship with Beal Homes in 2023, learning her craft under the mentorship of Beal’s experienced team. She recently earned recognition by winning the Construction Apprentice of the Year at the 2024 Hull Training and Adult Education Learner Awards. Erin also claimed the Beal Apprentice of the Year award, proving she's a rising star in the field.